How do I operate as a producer of instructional and training videos?

Training or instructional videos are now a valued teaching tool, used to convey knowledge and support learning through film. They are used in school lessons, at universities and in adult education, but also for further training of people in companies, but also as tutorials for users of a product or software. Training videos are usually longer than explanatory videos and usually use animated graphics in addition to live videos.

At FILMOWANIE ADVERTISING we specialise in creating clear and accessible educational materials, which certainly include instructional and training videos. We use modern equipment and technologies for recordings, which ensure high quality video and sound. We take care of the smallest details, from the script and direction taking into account the needs of the recipients, to post-production, in which we focus on both the clarity of the message and the aesthetics of the film. Our goal is to create materials that not only educate, but also engage and inspire viewers to acquire new skills and knowledge – because that is what they are all about!

Our films – depending on the specifics – are an ideal tool for educating employees and consumers and increasing their satisfaction with their use. We also produce films presenting new products, their functions and benefits, helping to effectively introduce them to the market. In addition, we create demonstration films that present in detail the operation and application of products in practice. Finally, we produce training films and webinars that can be used to educate employees, business partners or customers.

Why is it worth investing in good instructional videos?

Investing in high-quality instructional videos is a very important element that directly translates into the image of the manufacturer or employer. As mentioned earlier, customers are looking for a way to better understand the specifics of the purchased product, and employees are looking for instructions that will ensure their safe and efficient work. In the case of each of these groups, a person responsible for hiring employees and selling products to consumers will arouse more positive associations and trust if they take care of comfort by providing a useful instructional video.

Many people like to watch product videos, which can also be a form of advertising. Interested recipients will be happy to watch a recommended recording that will show in an accessible way the process of, for example, assembling a complicated chest of drawers or using an advanced machine in the production hall. Instructional videos are a great space for a positive presentation of the product and the entire company, which will generally translate into a better brand image in the eyes of potential new customers.

It is therefore worth investing in a product video made at the highest level. Thanks to this, by allocating a certain amount of money for the development of the company, you can ensure that health and safety assumptions are met, provide customers with convenient instructions, present the company in a positive light and create an interesting form of advertising.

What distinguishes our offer from others?

We are a company that specializes in creating unique advertising and presentation content on a daily basis. We know exactly what content recipients expect, and thanks to this we can plan and execute it better.

Creating product videos for use

Why is it worth creating your own instructional videos? The answer is very simple. Creating instructional videos allows you to gain a number of benefits from their creation. Thanks to them, many people can benefit from their real purpose, which allows for a better understanding of the manufacturer’s intentions. In this way, recipients are more willing to watch similar content, share it with other users and contribute to its popularization. As a result, the manufacturer can enjoy increased interest among new consumers who learned about the product by accident, watching one of the product videos.

Instructional videos, as the name suggests, are a form of instruction. Due to the fact that they are presented in the form of clear and legible images, users can understand more and learn the specifics of the device more willingly. This aspect is particularly important at work. It is in many places where free and confident knowledge of the operation of specific machines is required that good instructions play a key role.

A pleasant to watch instructional video allows for faster and easier learning about the device being described and shown. Thanks to this, the recipient will more effectively absorb knowledge, which, when conveyed in the form of an image, will be better retained in his memory. Every time you read a paper instruction, it does not always stimulate the imagination, which is why paper descriptions do not guarantee full preparation, and therefore safety at work.

Instructional videos and form

What form can instructional videos take? There are really no limits to this. They can be several-second recordings of people explaining specific things and showing them at the same time. An instructional video can also be a combination of a number of animations that will be equally effective in the memory of those watching them.

One of the frequently mentioned advantages of creating instructional videos is certainly the huge savings in both time and money. Organizing special training requires planning the entire event and devoting additional time to it. With today’s access to the Internet and the possibility of remote data transmission, the chance to conduct compressed training in this form is much more beneficial for each party.

How do we approach our work?

When creating each order related to the production of product videos, we always try to approach them comprehensively. At the very beginning, we conduct long conversations with clients, thanks to which we can better understand their expectations. After establishing initial assumptions, we deal with the final implementation of the project. We try to collect as much information as possible and all the important details that will help future recipients better understand the presented material.

Having a preliminary outline of the project, we deal with creating a detailed script that will guide us in creating the actual recordings. Depending on the topic of the material, the time of its implementation and final editing may vary.

We always try to ensure that the final effect is as good as possible. During the editing of each individual instructional film, we select only the best scenes that convey the entire message in the best possible way. Only then can we be sure that each recipient will be able to fully benefit from our work, and this additionally motivates us to act conscientiously.

When completing finished projects, we try to make them fully coherent. Very often our clients are manufacturers of the described products, machines or devices, which is why the instructional film also serves as a product film, which is to advertise the presented product. Therefore, when creating content from this category, we remember to make the advertisement as relevant and visible to consumers as possible.

Who can use our service?

The instructional videos we create are popular with customers from various industries related to industry and beyond. Thanks to short recordings, you can quickly present the use of the device at a high level, and also show the potential customer why it is the best choice. Thanks to such productions, many of our customers can enjoy increased trust on the market. A company that cares about the safety and comfort of the consumer is a company that will be able to enjoy real profits from the sale of offered products.

Instructional film and training

As mentioned above, the possibility of using ready-made instructional film packages saves you time associated with conducting professional training. By making training materials available to employees, all you need to do is ensure that each of them has time to familiarize themselves with them. This way, you do not have to incur additional costs of travel or renting a room to conduct training for the entire company, combined with additional attractions for the occasion. Investing in good material will save you annual training, also for new employees who decide to work in your company.

Who uses the instructional materials?

As a company that creates various film materials, we know perfectly well how important a promotional tool even the shortest film production can be. Instructional films are an unusual form that allows for an invisible communication thread to be established between the producer and the consumer. Every customer who has the opportunity to watch instructional materials has the impression that the producer has taken care of their needs by providing the most important content in the form of a short recording with instructions. This has a very positive impact on the company’s image, so it is worth considering such an offer for the future.

Why are instructional videos so popular?

More and more people are seeking information on the Internet. This is where publishing content related to describing the operation of specific systems, devices or products is becoming increasingly popular. Many consumers base their activity on reviewing products, for example. Thanks to this, more people can find out whether it is worth deciding on a given purchase or not.

A planned instructional video will allow for a better presentation of the product in the eyes of customers. The possibility of closely examining the product and listening to its specifics very often decides whether the consumer decides to spend their money on a specific choice.

Many people are very keen to do housework and small renovations on their own. In this matter, the opportunity to familiarize yourself with an instructional video, e.g. on replacing a sink plug, a part in a car, making your own mortar or laying tiles in the bathroom is worth its weight in gold. A manufacturer who invests in high-quality materials that clearly explain such issues will certainly ensure more customers who decide to use their offer, thanks to better access to information.

As a team professionally involved in creating advertising, promotional and informational materials, we know what to pay special attention to when creating targeted productions. Meeting new clients every day who are looking for an effective way to promote unusual content means that we have excellent experience, which allows us to come up with new ways for fresh content.

We encourage you to contact us, through which we will answer any questions related to our work. We are ready to cooperate with clients who care about the high level of selected services.

Instructional and Training Videos - Price

The price range is wide and tailored to your needs and resources. It is worth considering the answers to a few questions: Is a team with multiple cameramen necessary? Do we need multiple shooting days? Which locations will be considered? Should we work with graphic animations? What post-production activities will be required, e.g. translation, music, subtitles. All these factors make the price of a given training video as individual as the project itself. As experienced film producers, also in the field of educational videos/training videos/tutorials, we are happy to advise you on this matter. Contact us and let’s talk!

FAQs about How-To and Training Videos

What are the benefits of using instructional videos in the training process?

Whether learning is effective depends largely on the preparation of the right materials and the media used. Videos can be extremely helpful here. In a training video, the educational material is presented in a clear, attractive and at the same time entertaining way. As an experienced film production company, we will be your partner in the concept creation and professional implementation of your training or teaching video!

Can I tailor the content of the training video to the specific needs of my organization?

Sure, you can tailor the content of your instructional video to your company’s specific needs. Our workflow allows us to approach each assignment individually, so we avoid clichés, which means that there is always time to consider the unique requirements and educational goals of a given organization. This allows us to adjust the script, narrative style, graphics, and other elements of production so that the video best meets the needs of the client and effectively conveys the required knowledge.

What are the best practices today for creating effective explainer videos?

Based on our many years of experience, we can say that best practices in creating effective instructional videos include clear and understandable content, appropriate adaptation of the content to the target group, introduction of short thematic segments, dynamic narration and visualizations, as well as the use of various teaching methods (e.g. scenarios, presentations and simulations), and regular evaluation of the created materials to ensure that the content is up to date and in line with the needs of the learners or simply those using the materials. In addition, such videos should also be equipped with interactive elements. Thanks to this, the recording of educational material turns into an interactive virtual lesson tailored to the educational needs of the user, ensuring a particularly lasting effect. Remember also that educational videos save your resources. You can prepare your content once and then share it with any number of users – remotely, which reduces the costs of organizing face-to-face meetings. Users, in turn, have easier access to the material, can use it remotely, and thus save on travel costs. Another aspect is that the content can be constantly updated by replacing specific parts of the video. To learn even more about the benefits and possibilities, write to us!

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